To those of you that may not know me, I am a fifty year old artist currently living in the hills of southern Oregon. From an early age I have endeavored to take seriously the pursuit of art, studying at various schools along the way. I have had many good teachers, notably Bonnie Blau at The University of California in Santa Barbara and Irving Petlin at Cooper Union in New York, eventually graduating with a degree in Fine Art from Hunter College in N.Y.C. For most of my life I have supported myself as a graphic designer, but I have always thought of myself as first and foremost a painter, and and have slowly developed my abilities over the years.
I am currently working on a series of paintings based on scenes from Mexico. These are fairly large canvases, and they represent a cohesive vision of painting that I feel has finally begun to coalesce.
I am currently looking for an exhibition space for these paintings, if anyone is interested
showing them.
If you have any questions about the work on this site please contact me at
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